Spectral Properties of SNAP-tag and CLIP-tag Fluorescent Substrates

This table presents detailed spectral properties for various SNAP-tag and CLIP-tag substrates, including extinction coefficients and quantum yields. These parameters will help you select the appropriate substrate for your specific research application.

Product Catalog MW (g/mol) λ (excitation) λ (emission) Extinction Coefficient Quantum Yield CF260 CF280 Brightness Equilbrium Constant
(Covalent Labeling Rate Constant)
SNAP-Cell 430 S9109S 513.2 421 nm 444 nm, 484 nm 56 mM -1 cm -1 in methanol (a) 0.5, (b) 4.88, (c) 6.13 n/a n/a (a) 28, (b) 273.28, (c) 343.28 n/a 
SNAP-Cell 505-Star S9103S 620.2 504 nm 532 nm 70 mM -1 cm -1 in buffer at pH 7.4 (a) 0.8, (b) 0.46, (c) 0.28 n/a 0.19 (a) 56, (b) 32.2, (c) 19.6 12.4 x 10E3 M-1s-1
SNAP-Cell Oregon Green S9104S 833.3 490 nm 514 nm 87 mM -1 cm -1 in buffer at pH 9 (a) 0.9, (b) 2.2, (c) 1.03 n/a 0.12 (a) 78.3, (b) 191.4, (c) 89.61 n/a 
SNAP-Cell TMR-Star S9105S 676.2 554 nm 580 nm 89 mM -1 cm -1 in buffer at pH 7.4 (a) 0.28, (b) 0.46, (c) 0.39 n/a 0.30 (a) 24.92, (b) 40.94, (c) 34.71 15.5 x 10E3 M-1s-1
SNAP-Cell 647-SiR S9102S 724.3 645 nm 661 nm 100 mM -1 cm -1 in aqueous solution 0.39 0.63 0.94 39 20.0 x 10E3 M-1s-1
SNAP-Surface Alexa Fluor 488 S9129S 786.1 496 nm 520 nm 73 mM -1 cm -1 in buffer at pH 7 0.92 0.30 0.11 67.16  n/a
SNAP-Surface 488 S9124S 841.2 506 nm 526 nm 90 mM -1 cm -1 in PBS at pH 7.4 0.8 0.22 0.09 72 12.1 x 10E3 M-1s-1
SNAP-Surface Alexa Fluor 546 S9132S 1211.2 558 nm 574 nm 112 mM -1 cm -1 in buffer at pH 7 0.79 0.21 0.12 88.48 n/a 
SNAP-Surface 549 S9112S 1128.3 560 nm 575 nm 150 mM -1 cm -1 in ethanol n/a n/a n/a n/a 11.1 x 10E3 M-1s-1
SNAP-Surface 594 S9134S 1057.3 606 nm 626 nm 120 mM -1 cm -1 0.85 0.26 0.51 102  n/a
SNAP-Surface Alexa Fluor 647 S9136S 1110.3 652 nm 670 nm 270 mM -1 cm -1 in buffer at pH 7 0.33 0.00 0.03 89.1 n/a
SNAP-Surface 649 S9159S 1154.3 655 nm 676 nm 250 mM -1 cm -1 n/a n/a n/a n/a  n/a
CLIP-Cell 505 S9217S 587.2 504 nm 532 nm 70 mM -1 cm -1 (a) 0.8, (b) 0.46, (c) 0.28  n/a  n/a (a) 56, (b) 32.2, (c) 19.6 n/a
CLIP-Cell TMR-Star S9219S 643.3 554 nm 580 nm 89 mM -1 cm -1 in buffer at pH 7.4 (a) 0.28, (b) 0.46, (c) 0.39 n/a 0.3 (a) 24.92, (b) 40.94, (c) 34.71 n/a
CLIP-Surface 488 S9232S 801.2 506 nm 526 nm 90 mM -1 cm -1 in PBS at pH 7.4 0.8 0.22 0.09 72 n/a
CLIP-Surface 547 S9233S 872.3 554 nm 568 nm 150 mM -1 cm -1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
CLIP-Surface 647 S9234S 898.3 660 nm 673 nm 250 mM -1 cm -1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


NOTE: For quantum yield numbers: (a) refers to the free fluorophore, (b) refers to relative quantum yield for O6-BG-, and (c) refers to SNAP-tag bound fluorophore, relative to underivatized fluorophore. Please also refer to Keppler, A. et al., Biotechniques Vol. 41, No.2, 2006, pp. 167-75 for further information.

NOTE: Dyomics doesn't provide quantum yield or correction factors for their dyes on their website.  Please contact Dyomics directly to see if they can provide you with the CF260 and CF280 for these dyes. Their contact information can be found at the bottom of their home page: http://www.dyomics.com.