New England Biolabs: Overview of our Manufacturing Capabilities

New England Biolabs has the manufacturing capability to support the full life cycle of a product - from development to commercial production. All while providing full visibility into how we make, test, and release products.


Mike Pelletier:
Through close collaboration with our customers and really with an eye towards the future, New England Biolabs is not afraid to invest. If you look at the life sciences industry, New England Biolabs has been at the center of or behind a number of those tools that have enabled scientists to make incredible discoveries and breakthroughs of the last 50 years.

Lance Goodreau:
I believe that we're as good, if not better than anybody else in the world at providing world-class life science products. We work very tirelessly to keep on top of how products are being applied, our production processes, and the technologies involved with making our products using the most advanced analytical capabilities. We're ISO 9001 certified and ISO 1345 certified.

Mike Pelletier:
Our GMP grade line of products and the facility that we're sitting in today that was built to produce them are designed to be the highest grade materials that we can supply to the marketplace.

Melanie DiBiasio:
The manufacturing process starts with process development ensuring the best fermentation and purification for our strains. Then the formulation group does functional testing and dilution down to the final concentration ready for our filling and shipping groups to complete the kits to distribute throughout the world. Our goal is always to enable a customer so that they can do the research that they need to do. We can support extremely small volumes, we can support extremely large volumes.

Mike Pelletier:
We were an integral part of the ability of our customers to supply vaccine for the pandemic on a global level.

Melanie DiBiasio:
We really have the ultimate level of flexibility.

Mike Pelletier:
Our scientists work with a lot of our customers at very, very early stages in their development. We're supporting them in process development right through to preclinical, and then into clinical and commercial production, the full life cycle of a product. Pretty remarkable. New England Biolabs has a very broad portfolio of products near 1,400 SKUs in the catalog, and we serve different types of customers, academics, companies that make diagnostics, therapeutics.

Lance Goodreau:
We're very transparent as well with our customers so they know when they buy a product from us that they're going to have full visibility, full traceability to how we make, test, and release that product to them. Really everything is meeting defined expectations.

Mike Pelletier:
The consistency here is amazing.

Melanie DiBiasio:
It's important that we're able to get the product to the customer in the format that they request.

Mike Pelletier:
To help them integrate them into their products much faster.

Melanie DiBiasio:
We've also recently expanded in the UK and added lyophilization capabilities.

Mike Pelletier:
By freeze drying or lyophilization, you are able to make it stable at room temperature for an extended period of time. It's really going to help shorten the development for our customers to get a product to market. Adding lyophilization, adding this GMP grade facility continues to allow us to meet our customer's needs as they evolve and become more diversified themselves.

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